Tag Archives: Vancouver Election 2018

Vancouver Election 2018 – Mayor Candidate Fred Harding

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Voting in our democracy is very important. We hope to do our part in encouraging citizens to vote whoever you intend on voting for.

Part of the process of getting people to vote is getting you to know who you’re voting for – so they care.


As someone who is passionate about seeing good in our city, I also care about finding the right mayoral candidate to vote. After an extensive search across platforms and individual candidates, I firmly believe Fred Harding is the right leader for Vancouver (putting politics aside of who may win). Base on the current polls, his odds of winning are not good but standing on your conviction is more important than standing on the winning side. (That said, I hope he wins.)

To get better familiarized with Mr.Harding, I asked him five questions that will hopefully help you understand why Fred Harding is the right mayoral candidate for the City of Vancouver in this 2018 election.


Vancouver Election 2018 – Question 1:

In your opinion… What are three (3) most pressing issues in Vancouver AND how do you intend on dealing with these concerns, if you’re elected as mayor of Vancouver?


Fred Harding – Vancouver Election 2018 Question 1 Response:

*Violence against Women – through education, strategic curriculum, and a partnership approach with significant influencers. We need to change the way in which sex and human trafficking are dealt with and give it the priority it deserves.

*Bring back the NBA, bring back a world class team for a world class city – create an environment where a privately funded NBA franchise can expand and grow stimulating thousands of jobs and support for hundreds of small businesses. It will be located in an area where future growth and development can withstand the growth of tourism, and the popularity it will receive.

*Affordable rental housing – introduce rental accommodation at $400, $900, $1300 in city provided accommodation we already have the land and the income, and we will work with the developers who already have development slated by trading off extra floor space for investment in our program. It is entirely achievable in four years.


Vancouver Election 2018 – Question 2:

In your opinion… What are five (5) things you love about Vancouver AND how do you intend on continuing, or enhancing these benefits of Vancouver, if you were elected mayor of Vancouver?


Fred Harding – Vancouver Election 2018 Question 2 Response:

*Our Parks and Green spaces are a signature feature of Vancouver and we will seek, with the collaboration of Park Board to continue to add more green spaces and recreation facilities.

*Diversity – celebrate the people who live here by having outdoor festivals and celebrations where people and singles can come and meet.

*Police – people are very respectful towards them and we will support them with more resources and funding.

*Beaches/oceans – we’re lucky to have such easy access to them and able to enjoy these spaces with friends and family. We will ensure we clean up, work with the Port to monitor ship traffic and make them places where people want to come

*Food – the choices and cultural diversity available. Small business given tax break….


Vancouver Election 2018 – Question 3:

What qualities do you think are more important in finding a mayor for Vancouver? AND what makes you best qualified to be mayor or Vancouver?


Fred Harding – Vancouver Election 2018 Question 3 Response:

*Integrity. I have not been investigated, arrested, or taken to court.

*Empathy and Understanding – my diverse background from poverty to self-made success, I understand the journey and the dream and can easily relate to a diverse range of individuals. Whether I’m comforting someone on the DTES or speaking to those in business, I know how to connect to their stories as I’ve had a rich experience of life.

*Decision Making – I’m a decision maker and I stand by the decisions I make. This is not to say that I come to decisions lightly; I make sure I weigh all the sides and facts before a decisive decision.

*City Pride – I love this city. My children were all born here. I want to continue to showcase this city and all its potential and virtue. I’ve often done this in my business dealings and when speaking to people. As mayor, I know I can stand tall and regale the greatness of what it means to be in Vancouver.


Vancouver Election 2018 – Question 4:

Please tell us anything else you think would be important for voters to know about you! This could be your motivations, your qualifications, ideologies, platforms, believes, family, or approach to management/mayor.

Fred Harding – Vancouver Election 2018 Question 4 Response:

The epidemic of loneliness needs to be lifted by a renewed sense of community and belonging. I will be the person to fight for this city and its people as I am no puppet to any provincial or big business backer. It’s time for a change and it needs to happen now. I have a team that is diverse, well-educated, and driven to work for the citizens of Vancouver. We are listening.


Vancouver Election 2018 – Question 5:

In recent news… There has been a rise in the world of hatred like antisemitism and racism. What will your response be towards hate groups like antisemitism, B.D.S., and racism?

Fred Harding – Vancouver Election 2018 Question 5 Response:

As a black man with Jewish heritage, I will not stand for any hate groups. I will work with our police and security services to root them out. Wherever we can prosecute we will always prosecute; and where they cross a line we will seize property and assets to the best of our ability. I’m going to make sure there is no foothold for extremism in Vancouver.

—End Vancouver Election Question Reponses—

Note – Antisemitism is an issue that I take concern with personally although I am not Jewish to the best of my knowledge 😂.  Why? Any form of hatred and racism is unacceptable but as a rational thinker, one cannot help but observe that the Jews are wrongfully persecuted… the holocaust is enough to say “Never again”. Hatred starts small and grows big quickly if unstopped.


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

Do your part, go vote!


Vancouver Voting Information:


The municipal election is taking place on October 20, 2018 but advance voting is already open from October 10 to 17.

Here is where you can vote in Vancouver:



– Benjamin

Soli Deo gloria |VancityAsks.com| Colossians 3:23